Fastpitch softball game will be at Garber today seventh and eighth grade at 4 PM. The high school game will begin immediately after the junior high game.
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
High School and Jr.High fast pitch softball games have been cancelled today due to the weather
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
MS & HS Fast Pitch Softball games at Kremlin today have been canceled.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Remember school picture day is tomorrow! We will be taking senior panel pictures, PK-11 school day pictures, and all fall sports.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
JH Fast Pitch Softball games today at Kremlin have been canceled. We will play Friday at Kremlin as scheduled.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
The high school softball game Scheduled for today August 22 vs Drummond has been canceled due to the rain
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
The bracket for the JH Fast Pitch Softball Tournament at K-H on Aug 22nd-24th can be found on the school website. Click on "Explore" then "Documents" then click on the "Tournament Brackets" folder. Or the direct link to the bracket is
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Thursday, Aug 29 is School Picture Day! We will be taking Senior Panel Pictures, PreK-11 School Pictures and 5-12 Fall Sports Pictures. Forms are being sent home with all students today.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Fast Pitch Softball teams will play today @ Cimarron. 7th & 8th grade will begin at 4:30 PM; HS will follow. The bus will leave from the new gym at 3:15.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
2019 yearbooks are in & are being sent home today! If you forgot to purchase one, extra books are available and may be purchased at the Middle School Office for $35.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Midwest Music will be at the PC-H Band Room on Thurs, Aug 15 from 4:30-6 PM. Parents may come and go. You will be able to purchase required band books & inquire about instrument rentals. A down payment will be required for rentals. An information sheet was sent home with all 5th-12th band students.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
There will be an informational parent meeting for parents of 5th Graders and all new MS students on Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30 PM in Middle School Room 8. This will provide you with information about laptops, curriculum and websites that your students will be using. Please make plans to attend.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Please remember "Meet the Panthers" night this evening at the football field at 6:30 PM. Players of all fall HS sports will be introduced.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
Reminder: Plan to attend the Parent Informational Meeting about our LiiNK program from 5:00-6:00 in the auditorium during Open House, 8/6/19. Presentation by Dr. Rhea, creator of the program.
over 5 years ago, Kala Jones
Please remember that enrollment is this Friday, Aug 2 from 8 am-3 pm for PreK-12 Grades. Enrollment forms are available online. Parents & students will both need to be present at enrollment for MS & HS to choose electives and sign forms.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck
There will be a Fast pitch softball meeting Tuesday July 9th at 11:00 am new gym for any girl in grades 7-12. Thank You
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
The OSSAA has approved a new policy instituting a summer dead period from June 29th through July 7th. During this time: - All athletes may not use the school's athletic facilities. - Contact between coaches, assistant coaches and sponsors is prohibited.
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
They have repainted the lines on the track. We are asking that everyone stay off of it until Monday, June 3, 2019 Thank You for your cooperation
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
HS freshmen will be turning in their laptops, chargers, and bags tomorrow afternoon. Students may need an extra bag to take their personal items home. Seniors will need to drop their laptops off in the HS office to have school software removed. Students with loaner laptops, will be expected to return those as well, for summer break.
over 5 years ago, Kelly Childress
Middle School students will be turning in laptops, bags and chargers tomorrow after lunch. Please help your child clean out their backpack this evening. You may also want to send them with an extra bag so they can bring home any extra supplies in their lockers. Please also encourage them to check the tables in the hallway for jackets, lunchboxes and any other items that have been left at school.
over 5 years ago, Jamie Ronck