Watch todays football game live with commentary at Go Panthers!
5 months ago, Derek Quinn
For people attending the football game at Coyle tomorrow night, tickets can be purchased at the following link for $5. Tickets at the gate will be $7.
5 months ago, David Kerr
Bicycle Decorating Contest at the Grant County Parade!
5 months ago, Kala Jones
Elem Bike Decoration Parade
🐾Meet the Panthers🐾 August 28, 2024 7:00pm PC-H Football Field
5 months ago, Kala Jones
Meet the Panthers
Watch today's Miss PCH Pageant live at or search PCHpanthers @ youtube.
6 months ago, Derek Quinn
Parents, for morning drop-off on Hwy 60, please find a place to park or use the side streets marked in the image to drop off your children. ALL students should use a crosswalk to cross the highway. Please help us keep all students safe.
6 months ago, Kala Jones
Morning drop-off
First day of school morning bus riders: Hunter Bus: The bus will leave from the Hunter post office at 7:02. The rest of the route will be on the same schedule as last year. Nash/West Bus: The bus will leave from the Nash stop at 7:10. The rest of the route will be on the same schedule as last year. East Bus: This route will run on the same times as last year.
6 months ago, Kala Jones
Parents, Please let your child know that if he/she has a College class, work study, or an off hour 1st period, they will still need to be here at 8 AM tomorrow. This is just for the 1st day. After tomorrow they will return back to their normal schedule.
6 months ago, Mckayla Sternberg
Pond Creek-Hunter Schools is accepting applications for help in the cafeteria. Anyone interested please fill out an application as soon as possible. Applications can be found on our web page or you can pick one up in the administration office.
6 months ago, Sabrina Davis
Middle School/High School parents, when shopping for school supplies, if you are able to we could use boxes of Kleenex's. We did not add them to the list and could greatly use them. Thank you! We are excited to get this school year started!
6 months ago, Mckayla Sternberg
Parents, you are now able to get on the school website and enroll your child. Current Kindergarten-4th grade enrollment is all online ONLY. New Pre-k-4th and All students 5th-12th with last name that starts with A-L will be Aug 7th, 8AM-1PM. Students with the last name M-Z will be Aug 8th 8AM-1PM. If possible please have online enrollment done prior to coming in the day of enrollment. Every student has an online portion that needs completed.
6 months ago, Mckayla Sternberg
Parents reminder that all students entering into the 7th Grade will need to have a DTAP. Please bring a copy of shot records to enrollment.
6 months ago, Mckayla Sternberg
OSSAA SUMMERTIME DEAD PERIOD The dead period will occur during the week in July that includes the 4th of July each year. The dead period will be nine (9) days in length and begin the weekend preceding the 4th of July and end the weekend following or including the 4th of July. This year the dead period will begin June 30 and conclude July7, 2024. Secondary-level students enrolled or pre-enrolled at a member school may not use any member school’s athletic facilities during the dead period in connection with any athletic activity governed by the OSSAA. Member school coaches, assistant coaches and sponsors may not have any contact with secondary-level enrolled or pre-enrolled students in that member school in any athletic activity governed by the OSSAA for the purpose of coaching, training, or instructing. Summertime policies, including beginning and end of season restrictions, can be found in OSSAA Board Policy XI in the Administrator’s Handbook. Violations of the summertime dead period policy will result in the coach or sponsor being suspended from the first half of the regular season in that athletic activity. School personnel not designated as a coach or sponsor in violation of the summertime dead period policy will result in the head coach being suspended from the first half of the regular season in that activity. SUMMERTIME DEAD PERIOD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. How do I know when the dead period begins and ends each year? Answer: The dead period will be nine (9) days in length and begin the weekend preceding the 4th of July and the weekend following or including the 4th of July. 2. Does the Summertime Dead Period Policy cover non-athletic activities? Answer: No, the Summertime Dead Period Policy only applies to athletic activities that are governed by the OSSAA. 3. Can a coach and a player have any contact for instruction purposes during the Summertime Dead Period? Answer: No, contact between coaches, assistant coaches and sponsors with enrolled or pre-enrolled students for the purpose of coaching, teaching, training, or instructing is prohibited. 4. Can a student participate without the member school coach at member school facilities in an athletic activity during the Summertime Dead Period ? Answer: No, school athletic facilities may not be used by enrolled or pre-enrolled students during the dead period in connection with any athletic activity governed by the OSSAA. 5. Can a member school coach use member school facilities to train, coach or instruct secondary-level students during the Dead Period? Answer : No, the policy prohibits the use of member school facilities during the Dead Period for the purpose of coaching, teaching, training, or instructing. Facility maintenance is not prohibited by the policy. 6. Does the Summertime Dead Period Policy prohibit participation in a National level tournament during the dead period? Answer: Yes, however the coach and any enrolled or pre-enrolled students who have qualified earlier in the summer for a national level tournament may participate in that tournament provided the Athletic Administrator for the school attending the tournament has submitted a request in writing for an exception to the summertime dead period rule. Only tournaments who have participated in a structured series leading to the National level tournament will be considered for an exemption.
7 months ago, Kala Jones
For physical exams, a bus will be provided to transport anyone to and from GSP in Medford tomorrow. The bus will leave at 12:45 pm and return after the last physical. PARENT PLEASE SIGN YOUR CHILDS PHYSICAL FORM. PC-H student athletes can get a FREE physical exam at GSP health in Medford on June 26 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm. July 8. 8:00 am- 12:00. Physical forms may be picked up in the weight room during summer pride or printed off the website. Physical exams are required for students in grades 7-12. Students MUST have a physical exam on file with the coach before participating in practice or games.
8 months ago, Kala Jones
Registration for the Miss PCH Pageant is still open until June 23. Register using the below link
8 months ago, Sabrina Davis
PC-H student athletes can get a FREE physical exam at GSP health in Medford on June 26, 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm or July 8, 8:00 am- 12:00. Physical forms may be picked up in the weight room during summer pride or printed off the website. Physical exams are required for students in grades 7-12. Students MUST have a physical exam on file with the coach before participating in practice or games.
8 months ago, Kala Jones
New PreK Students: If you have not already done so, please bring a copy of your birth certificate and current immunization record to the Elementary Office. We will be available May 22-23 and May 28-30 from 8:00-3:00. You may also email copies to
9 months ago, Kala Jones
Watch today's Graduation live at or search PCHpanthers @ youtube. Congratulations 2024 Seniors!
9 months ago, Derek Quinn
Watch today's Sports Banquet live at or search PCHpanthers @ youtube.
9 months ago, Derek Quinn
Watch today's High School Awards Assembly live at or search PCHpanthers @ youtube.
9 months ago, Derek Quinn